Our Accredited Training
Who is it for?
The training is for anyone who is working with or looking after a vulnerable adult with a chronic illness or a disability, including the Vulnerable Adult themselves.
Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers who are working towards the Knowledge Skills Framework, QCF Level 2 or 3, The Diploma in Care, Refresher Training, Re-validation or just updating their knowledge.
Each workshop is tailor made for each setting and the learner’s needs.
The list is not exhaustive, therefore if you do not see what you require please ask.
Back to Basics Care & Training Ltd. is an Accredited Training Provider accredited by the Continued Professional Development Standards Office.
Training consists of:
An induction Programme based on the Care Council for Wales Social Care Induction Framework.
Introduction to care, introducing Archie a gentleman who reaches crisis. We incorporate the challenges faced by him as an individual and includes the Continuing Healthcare process, assessments and decisions that will be made along the way, using a holistic approach.
The Foundations of Care that covers theoretical and practical sessions.
Specialised Training that is tailored for the clients you care for.
End of life care.
Consultancy Needs - any help, advice and support.that you need to make your company the best it can be.
The Foundations of Care
Every module focuses on individuality, personal choices, privacy, dignity and respect.
Theoretical and Practical workshops.
Personal Hygiene Part One: Theoretical and practical sessions that includes how to carry out a bed bath using the 4 towel method to
maintain dignity and respect,
Personal Hygiene Part Two: Theoretical and practical session on how to care for your teeth, and the teeth and dentures of those you care for. This workshop includes the anatomy of teeth, what causes decay and gum disease, the role of saliva.
We will look at why oral care is placed as such a low priority and the importance of providing it.
Oral hygiene and dependent individuals.
Personal Hygiene Part
Three: How do we shave someone safely –Male/Female.
Care of the feet and hands, nail care, make up.
Ensuring that we promote independence and keep individuality and choice.
Mobility: Introduction into caring for your back.
The anatomy of the spine. How to carry out a risk assessment.
Manual Handing how to and how not to do it.
The Equipment used and Information on the All Wales Manual Handling Training Course.
Nutrition: The nutritional aspects of ageing and the importance of nutrition.
Common causes of dehydration. What is meant by a healthy diet?
Factors that might inhibit the individual to eat or drink adequately. Diet and Illness.
Nutritional Supplements. The importance of food/fluid charts and how to complete them.
The importance of weight/body mass index monitoring.
Skin and the Prevention of
Pressure Ulceration: The anatomy of the skin. Pressure Ulceration – what is it and how do we prevent it?
The importance of skin monitoring; beds, mattresses, cushions.
Turning charts/ skin bundles – the importance of and how to complete them.
Sleeping: The importance of sleep. Causes of sleep disturbance. Creating the right environment.
The importance of monitoring through the night. The importance of turning charts and how to complete them.
Elimination: Incontinence – is it part of the ageing process? Causes of incontinence.
The prevention of incontinence. The importance of monitoring. Products used and how to use them.
How to carry out a continence assessment. Constipation – what is it and how can we prevent it?
Cognition and Dementia: Causes of cognition difficulties. Long and short term memory.
Dementia what is it? Anatomy of the brain. Signs and symptoms.
Different types of Dementia. Providing an dementia friendly environment.
Pain: How to monitor and recognise pain. Analgesia and how they work.
Different forms of pain control. Abbey Scale – what is it and how to use it?
Behaviour: Challenging behaviour what is it? Different types of challenging behaviour.
How and why we define behaviours as challenging. Best practice interventions and approaches.
Breathing: Why do we need oxygen? How do we breathe and what is the normal breathing rate?
Breathing problems, what causes it and how do we handle it? Home Oxygen Therapy.
Breathing related illness. Sudden onset of breathing problems, what should you do?
Confidentiality: Defining Confidentiality and why it is important. Awareness of Legislation,
Policy &Procedure. How confidentiality may be breached, times when we have to disclose.
What is meant by the term ‘Disclosure’?
Record Keeping &
Report Writing: Explores handwriting, spelling and grammar. What is a care plan and what is a risk assessment?
The importance of and how to follow the care plan. How to write an accurate account of the day.
Capacity & Best Interest: Is an introduction into : What is it? How can capacity or lack of capacity be tested?
Best Interest what is it? What is Deprivation of Liberty? The Law. Cheshire West Judgement.
Safeguarding: Abuse what is it? The categories of abuse. Signs and symptoms of abuse.
Who might be the abuser and why do they abuse? Who is vulnerable? The legal framework.
Case Scenarios. What do you do if you suspect abuse?
The prevention of abuse – developing positive service cultures
Administration of Medication: Legislation & Accountability. The risk to others. Being able to understand the Medicine Administration Chart.
The principles of administrating medication. Consent. The different routes.
How do tablets react in the body?
Infection Control: Legislation & Definitions. RIDDOR – what is it? What causes infection?
What are the most common infections that impact on a care home? How does infection spread?
Hand Hygiene. When do we wash out hands? How do we wash our hands?
Jewellery should it be worn – if not why?
Sharps safety. What to do in the event of a sharps injury or bite.
Disposal of waste products. Blood and Bodily fluid precautions. Decontamination of equipment.
Personal Protective Clothing. Cough Etiquette. Multiple Choice Questions.
Support and help with
Revalidation: For Nursing staff who need to Create their profile for the NMC Revalidation Process.
Understanding your role
within the All Wales
Continuing Healthcare
Process: Having taught and worked within this framework for eleven years.
t The continuing healthcare process is explained to families and cares, in a language they can understand.
Mental Health Act &
Deprivation of Liberty: What do we mean by Mental Health? Discussing the stigma around mental health.
What is the difference between Mental Health and Mental Capacity? What is Deprivation of Liberty?
What does it mean for those we care for?
Fall Prevention: Why do we fall? The causes of falling. How can we prevent it?
The importance of risk assessments and monitoring. How falling affects us as individuals.
How falls affects us as care workers.